The Capricorn-Aquarius Threshold

Saturn's worlds are cousins but the shift between them is drastic. Capricorn has the momentum of a cardinal sign but it is, for me, the heaviest of the zodiac landscapes. Taurus is hefty, the thud of a cow's resting body in fresh earth, but Capricorn is heavy, sturdy, building — solidity in motion.

Snow falls on the promises and projects of Capricorn. These towering triumphs of a slowly-built world, are covered now, all of it, in the sky’s cold-pouring. Winter exhales sharply-cut diamonds, its winds carry held-water, all patterned, glittering, flying. So mesmerizing, you may walk yourself right off its snowcliffs if you follow it.

Capricorn is a reality-maker, a terraformer, a right-relationship law keeper, preserving and persevering, with ambitions that extend well beyond a human lifespan. This is Saturn.

When a planet moves from Capricorn to Aquarius, it loses the ground beneath its feet. The belly drops. The pile of polished stone is abandoned for a journey to who-can-say-where.

In the shift to Aquarius, Saturn is not building but holding. Saturn is the vessel the water-bearer holds, the structures that permit us to take what slips through the hands someplace else, to share it, to redistribute it like a rain cloud. This is Saturn too.

Aquarius is a cloud country and within its large, dripping ice crystals, your reflection wobbles. Things are not as they seem. The idea of “you” is not what it seems. The departure from Capricorn is a flight. It is to be caught in the whirlwind of a god. The rules that made sense in Capricorn evaporate.

Planets in Aquarius seem impossible because here, they think and live inside worlds that do not exist 
yet — and they demand 
same of you.


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